Friday, 24 January 2014

Cast On: Honey Cowl

Hello dear readers! I am sorry its been so long, we've had Christmas and New Years and I've moved my business premises so it's all been very hectic! But I hope you'll forgive me.

I have a few little projects on the go, firstly I have a very simple square blanket I knitted for my little sister. She's now 10 weeks old and it's not finished, I'm doing very badly! I thought having a simple garter stitch pattern would be fun as I could knit it and not worry about remembering pattern notes but its been a little tedious. 
So now I know for my projects:
Lace is good,
Cables are good,
Shaping is good!

So here's one I cast on yesterday. Its getting much colder here in the UK, and because I've been rubbish I havent knitted anything in the summer like you're meant to ready for the cold weather. I'll be hurriedly doing it now!

I perused my local yarn store and fondled all the balls (oo-er) I could get my hands on, but the colours in the gorgeous Monsoon by James C. Brett caught my eyes. I bought two, they're soft and wonderful and make my eyes happy.

Pattern wise I decided on the lovely Honey Cowl. It's one of the most popular patterns on Ravelry right now and I can see why! Not much to remember but an interesting pattern nonetheless to follow. I'm making the shorter version currently which will only use one ball, so I'll either make another one or maybe a matching hat? 

Anyway, here's my progress after a few hours. I am LOVING it. I've never tried a slip stitch pattern before and its really interesting. The gaps between the rows make little honeycomb shapes, which incidently I suppose the name of the pattern comes from!

Loving how this is knitting up! Colours changing gradually.

I suspect this may be a little itchy on the skin but a little wool wash should sort it right out!
Anyway I'm going to go right back at it! 

'Til next time.

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