Monday, 27 January 2014

W.I.P Honey Cowl


Did another hour or so of knitting on this lovely honey cowl yesterday. It's knitting up rather quickly which is nice. I'm wondering whether it was a better idea to have knitted the larger version as I did buy two balls of Monsoon, but perhaps I could make another one to give to a friend of a giveaway?

Yesterday I tried my hand at a little bit of baking, I didn't manage to take any pictures, but me and my other half fancied something sweet after dinner. I had a look at what we had in the cupboard and my ingredients consisted of flour, milk, butter, cinnamon sticks, maple syrup and eggs. I didn't even have any sugar! Luckily enough I was able to whip up some sugar free cookies with maple syrup, sprinkled with cinnamon. It did the job although the recipe was a little floury, I'll make some adjustments and post it here!

'Til next time!

Jess x

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